About Leadline

Trust, reliance, and connection to
God help guide us through life.

But for adults, that kind of faith is not handed to us. We have to own our own faith. That means if we have questions, we need answers. It means if we feel disconnected from God and others, we need connection. It means if we have wounds and disappointments, we need space to heal and be heard.
If your faith lacks purpose, you need direction.

Leadline can help.

We follow a simple formula. Spiritual depth grows through God’s Word, over time, mostly together.

We prayerfully utilize the power of Scripture and relationships and time together to shape faith. We come alongside adults through forums, studies, and conversations about pertinent spiritual topics and provide the space for questions and direction to find answers.

This type of ministry and approach matter, now more than ever.

We are living through a time of great disbelief. There is still a hunger for God but a disillusionment with organized religion. Authentic, relevant, personal, thoughtful, genuine faith is what people are looking for.  

Leadline offers the tools, the encouragement, and the experience adults are looking for.

Leadline touches lives.

  • “Years of blessings of friendship and fellowship that I am so grateful for as a constant in my life. Thank you Mike for your leadership and everyone else for your faithfulness.”

    — Member, Faith Formation Group

  • “Our group has been a true blessing…..it has been impactful on my faith journey and provided growing friendships”

    — Member, Faith Formation Group

  • “Most impactful and fun nights of fellowship I’ve ever had.”

    — Member, Faith Formation Group

  • “This group really has been the most impactful group for my faith I have ever been a part of.”

    — Member, Faith Formation Group

Make a donation.

Other ways to support Leadline:

  • Visit give.cornerstone.cc/leadlineministries and click to donate for either a one time or recurring gift by credit card or electronic check. Or Click to Give Online button upove.

  • Please make checks payable to Leadline Ministries and mail to: Leadline Ministries P.O. Box 27731 Towson, MD 21285

  • If you would like to discuss foundation giving, Donor-Advised Funds or appreciated stocks please contact Barbara Nitsios at bnitsios@leadlineministries.org.

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(443) 779-3781

P.O. Box 27731
Towson, MD 21285