Hitting (or Not Hitting) the Curve Ball
As Orioles fans know all too well, hitting a baseball is a difficult task. Pitchers throw a ball with blazing speed and pinpoint accuracy. They also can fool hitters by changing speeds and the direction the ball is going. Pitchers not only throw fastballs, but they also throw curveballs.

Back to School
One of the core principles of Leadline is that adults grow spiritually through God’s Word, over time, mostly together. Adult faith grows incrementally. As questions are answered and relationships are deepened it becomes easier to open our hearts to God’s love.

Is Your Pet Getting the Best of You?
In a recent article in The Atlantic Derek Thompson cited an interesting statistic. In the last 20 years, the average time people spent with their pets nearly doubled, while time spent with friends plummeted.

Backyard Pilgrim: Forty Days at Godspeed

The Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age of Isolation and Incivility

When Could Replaces Should
Guilt does not seem to be what it used to be. It doesn’t mean guilt isn’t real. It is. Sin is alive and well. It is just the feeling of guilt does not seem to be what it once was.

Presentation: When Could Replaces Should
Guilt does not seem to be what it used to be. It doesn’t mean guilt isn’t real. It is. Sin is alive and well. It is just the feeling of guilt does not seem to be what it once was.

Is Your Heart Open?
Life is not always smooth. Sometimes it is, and I am grateful for God for that. But, in big and small ways, things don’t always work the way they should. People get sick, money gets tight, we don’t get along like we should.

Sermon: Deuteronomy 8

Sermon: Psalm 78

Sermon: Psalm 123

Want to Calm Down?
These are difficult days for faith. Sometimes it is hard to see what God is doing. Religion seems divisive. Many have been wounded by the church. A lot of people seem hostile or apathetic about spiritual things. Is God losing? It is easy to feel that way. And it can stress you out.
One underutilized resource when we are anxious is perspective. When we are stressed, we often just see the problem. And we tend to miss resources that are right in front of us.
One of the amazing resources we have as Christians is history. We have a rich (with both good and bad) 2000 plus year history. The church has survived through plagues, wars, terrible leaders, schisms, misplaced allegiances, hypocrisy and much more. We have thousands of years of lessons teaching us how to walk faithfully and answer the questions and objections of those outside the church.

Upstream: Exploring the Headwaters of Christian Ideas

The Rest Is History

The Word on Fire Show Podcast


Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation

What We Tell Ourselves
33 years of professional ministry to adults has proved the wisdom of that quote. When I think it is up to me to convince people, talking to someone about Jesus becomes a burden. But when I become their friend and allow them the space to ask their own questions and explore their own answers, ministry feels different.
New Growth
Eight years ago, I was having a bad day. It was not a tragic day. Just a bad day. Just the “I am tired and what is the point of all this” kind of day. I looked at my calendar and realized I had scheduled a lunch with a young man in Washington DC.

Compassion For the Crowds
I have just emerged from a busy season of ministry. I have had the privilege of serving several people who found themselves in places of sadness, confusion, life transitions and even death.
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(443) 779-3781
P.O. Box 27731
Towson, MD 21285