Is Your Heart Open?
Life is not always smooth. Sometimes it is, and I am grateful for God for that. But, in big and small ways, things don’t always work the way they should. People get sick, money gets tight, we don’t get along like we should.
When life gets rough, I try and turn to God. I want Him to make it smoother. Again, sometimes He graciously does. But sometimes He doesn’t. I don’t think smooth is God’s primary agenda. He seems more interested in “open” than smooth. He will ultimately make it smooth again, just not yet. Now He seems to be pursuing openness instead.
When you want a piece of wood to receive the paint or stain, you actually rough it up. You use sandpaper to take some of the smooth out. The wood is not as smooth, but it is more open.
“But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave the power to become children of God.” (John 1:12)
We want God to make things smooth, He wants our hearts to be open. Therein lies the rub, literally. As John writes above, when we receive Him, we become children of God. Children don’t have it all figured out, but they are generally trusting and open. That posture, ironically, makes life smoother.
I am grateful for the times I see people open their hearts to God. Here are just a few examples.
Praying Psalm 23 with a dying man and his family while he was in hospice and hearing him say amen when we finished.
Sitting with grieving parents in their pain of losing a child, wondering together about eternal life.
Watching a friend go through various trials and yet see him grow in his appreciation of the kindness of God and other people along the way.
Sharing the gospel with business leaders at a forum. The room got quiet, I sensed they were hearing it. I asked if they had ever heard this before. Most in the room shook their heads no. But now they had.
And a lot more
This is sacred stuff. Watching God move people from vulnerability to trust in His love always astounds me. I am so grateful to help create the emotional and spiritual space for it to happen. You create those opportunities for me through your generous prayers and financial support. Every year we raise around 30% of our budget through year end giving. Would you prayerfully consider a special gift at this time? Please see below for ways to give.
God bless,
The Donohues