Light of the World

Dear Friends,
I always appreciate the fact that Christmas comes in late December. There seems to be something so right about the light of Christ arriving in the darkest time of the year.
Leadline exists to help adults take the next step towards God. And reaching adults is not easy. As I mentioned in my last letter, adult, white, college educated males living in the Northeastern United States are the group that show the least interest in the Christian faith.
But these same men are struggling. According to a recent show on NPR’s On Point Radio, adult men are struggling more than ever.  Psychologist and author Michael Addis says men today are often silent and invisible. They lack the capacity to articulate their struggles or find ways to be meaningfully connected to others. Especially in the professional world, where the assumption is you need to be strong, independent and have your act together, it is difficult to know how to connect to God or others. The end result is an over dependence on the wrong things to get through life.
Leadline has been providing places for men in this community to connect with God, be honest about life, ask the tough questions about what they believe and who they want to be. And it helps. Listen to what several men are saying about their Search experience.

“Each session adds an additional link to my chain with God.”
“The trust within the group allows for unguarded discussions that have helped me grow and improved my life.”
“I leave being enriched having been met exactly where I am in life’s journey through the prepared study and sharing among men.”
“A perfect combination of sharing day to day life along with hearing a theme that helps us all learn and stay focused on what is important.”
“It reminds me a lot of when I used to just listen to the Jesuits preach at Catholic Mass because it feels real.”
“The ability of the men in our group to be vulnerable with each other amazes me each week and just by being present, I have learned so much about my faith and myself.”

Light in dark places. The message of Christmas, the mission of Leadline. You have been a huge part of over 25 years of ministry in this community. As always, we depend on strong year end giving to keep our work funded. We typically raise over 30% of our giving in December. Would you prayerfully consider a year end gift to Leadline Ministries? Thanks, and have a great Christmas.

God bless,

The Donohues


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