Next Steps

2020 Vision

2020 has been a tumultuous year in our country. It started with an impeachment trial, rolled into a global pandemic, witnessed a stock market crash and ensuing recession and now sees our nation wrestling with significant questions around racial justice.
It seems ironic that 2020 stands for perfect vision. Because, truth be told, I have felt more like someone walking in the dark, unable to see what my next steps are. I still feel that way.
John Lennox wrote of these days “try to find meaning going through it, not in it.” I am not sure all he meant by that, but I took it to mean that the best thing I can do right now is to grow to be more like Jesus. To put it another way, the better question for me is not what should I do right now, but what kind of person do I want to become?
NT Wright argues that “when God raised Jesus, He started an entire project of new creation and called people of all sorts to be part of that project….The goal ….is a life of fully formed, flourishing Christian character.”
Wright goes on to say that character it transformed by 3 things. First, you need to aim at the right goal. Second, you need to figure out the next steps to get you to that goal are. Finally, those steps have to become habitual, a matter of second nature.
Let me give you an example of how that has played out for me. Like a lot of people these days, sleep has been a challenge for me. I can fall asleep, but then an hour or so into it, I am wide awake and my mind is racing. For several weeks, I would lay there, trying hard to just turn my mind off. It didn’t work. I started realizing I did not have to just lay there, I could pray. Now, when I wake up, I go, sit in a quiet place and pray the Lord's Prayer. I let those words wash over my worries and concerns. I allow these words to be my way of praying for all the pain in the world. I allow the brilliance of this prayer to work its way through me and readjust my thoughts. Then, I get back in bed and fall asleep. (Most of the time!)
At Leadline, our mission is to help adults take the next step towards God. We have that mission because we believe the steps we make towards God are the most significant steps we can make. These steps, over time, form in us a character that can help us stand in adversity. More importantly, these steps put us on the path of Jesus. The steps of mercy, justice, truth, compassion, grace, forgiveness, eternal life, joy and peace that only Jesus can provide. These steps matter.
Thanks for your continued support of this ministry. We are doing significant work in a challenging time. Because of you, we are able to guide adults to the path of Jesus and help keep them there. One person at a time, one step at a time, lives are being shaped. It matters, now more than ever.

God bless,

The Donohues


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