Backyard Pilgrim: Forty Days at Godspeed
By: Mat Canlis
The film GODSPEED ends where I pray your local pilgrimage begins.
It is a pilgrimage not only to recover where you live and discover what God is already doing in your neighborhood, but also to learn to live there as God’s child.
Living at Godspeed is not first about a pace of life, as though simply going slower will solve everything.
This is a second birth into the childhood you never had, or once had but lost. Paul Ricoeur speaks of our need, as Christians, for a “second naiveté.” May the next forty days slow you down enough to discover what it means to be God’s child again.
This guided pilgrimage follows 2 paths: one biblical, one local . . .
The BIBLE PATH is already charted – 40 verses from Genesis to John’s Gospel following the story of God’s first question to Adam & Eve, “Where are you?” to Jesus Christ’s answer on our behalf: “Here I am for you, in places you’d never expect.”
The PARISH PATH is a particular route each pilgrim chooses, and commits to walking 15 minutes a day for forty days. Churches or small groups can also chose to gather one night a week to ask questions about the Bible Path verses, and to share stories from their local parish walks.