Why Don't They Get It?
I just dropped my third child off at college. Which means I have spent the last month giving a lot of unsolicited advice. I felt like it was my last chance to pour all the wisdom inside my head into his. I spent a lot of energy wanting him to “get it”.
When Things Change...
A most recent Gallup study confirmed what I think a lot of people are experiencing. For the first time, fewer than 50% of Americans report being members of a church. Just 20 years ago, 70% of the population reported membership in a religious body, now that number has dropped by over 20%.
Getting Uncomfortable
One of our local board members described the ministry of Search Baltimore as “gritty”. I like that. Not flashy, but focused and adaptable to get the job done. The reason for the grittiness is we are able to focus on people over programs, which gives us the flexibility to meet people where they are.
Next Steps
2020 has been a tumultuous year in our country. It started with an impeachment trial, rolled into a global pandemic, witnessed a stock market crash and ensuing recession and now sees our nation wrestling with significant questions around racial justice.
Questions in Uncertain Times
There are so many urgent questions swirling around right now. How long will this last? What can be done medically, financially and practically to help people? What will the new normal look like? These are urgent questions that are being asked everywhere.
Get Out of Your Head
At a recent lunch, a guest who had attended several forums brought up some of the reasons he does not believe. “I have a real problem with hell. It just does not make sense to me why a loving God would be so judgmental.
Take Heart
These are uncertain times. There is much being said. There are many questions being asked. We certainly understand the need for all of it. Our hope at Leadline Ministries during this time is to be a resource to you.
Sermon: Genesis 12, Pt.2
Sermon: Psalm 103
Light of the World
I always appreciate the fact that Christmas comes in late December. There seems to be something so right about the light of Christ arriving in the darkest time of the year. Leadline exists to help adults take the next step towards God.
Are You Still a Christian?
According to recent large study put out by The Pew Charitable Trust, the percentage of adults who would identify themselves as Christians has dropped from 78% in 2007 to 65% in 2019. That is a massive drop off in a short period of time. Interestingly, the largest single drop in Christian identity was among college educated, white males living in the Northeast United States.
The older I get, the more my questions about Christmas change. I don’t ask as much about what I got, or did I give the right thing. (Although I think getting and giving presents are great.) But I find myself asking more, did I miss it?
Spiritual Traction Pt.2
Spiritual traction happens when vulnerability begins to transform to trust. We all have our areas of weakness and vulnerability. Places where we simply lack the resources to handle the challenges or perhaps even opportunities of life.
Sermon: Matthew 21
My Transition from Search
Living things grow. For almost 33 years, I have had the amazing opportunity to grow and serve God and you as the Baltimore Area Director for Search Ministries. But now I feel called to take the next growth step.
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(443) 779-3781
P.O. Box 27731
Towson, MD 21285